EMS Annual Meeting, 7–12 Sep 2025, Ljubljana & online: Call for session proposals until 14 Jan 2025
The European Meteorological Society and the local hosts in Slovenia warmly invite you to the 2025 EMS Annual Meeting at the Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana, Slovenia & online from 7 to 12 September 2025: https://www.ems2025.eu
Call for session proposals
Everyone is invited to contribute to the building of the scientific programme by proposing new sessions and conveners: Please visit the present Provisional Programme and use the tools provided to insert your proposal in the appropriate part of the programme: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EMS2025/provisionalprogramme
We encourage all participants interested in organising a session to build diverse convener teams, considering multiple countries and institutes, career stages, genders and all other forms of diversity. The involvement of Early Career Scientists is strongly encouraged. Please note, that we assume that those volunteering as conveners are normally planning to attend the EMS Annual Meeting onsite to chair their session. Details on tools for conveners during the organisation of the sessions are provided at: https://www.ems2025.eu/information_for/conveners.html
This public call for session proposals is open until 14 January 2025. Following this, the Programme and Science Committee (PSC) will compile the final session programme for the call for abstracts.
Growing use of AI/ML in atmospheric sciences and meteorological applications - with a particular focus on flooding and warnings
A thematic focus of the 2025 Annual Meeting, reflecting the interests and activities of the host institutions in Slovenia, will delve into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in enhancing weather and climate prediction, environmental monitoring and meteorological research and applications. With a particular focus on flooding and warnings, we will be looking at the challenges and opportunities of this rapid evolution and how it is reshaping our understanding of the complex interaction between the atmosphere, climate, and human society.
The theme will be prominently discussed in the plenary & strategic events. Session conveners are welcome to consider addressing specific aspects of this focus if it is relevant to the scope of their session; however, this is no requirement. Please visit the website for more details: Thematic focus
Aims & Opportunities
The Annual Meetings of the EMS aim at fostering cross-fertilisation of ideas, feedback between science and applications, and the involvement of all the diverse actors in the fields of weather, climate, water and the environment. The session programme will offer many opportunities for collaboration across the entire weather and climate enterprise (public, private, academic, users, and NGOs) to benefit societies in Europe and worldwide.
We would be delighted if you would inform your colleagues about these opportunities and distribute the invitation to your networks.
Dick Blaauboer, Chair of the PSC On behalf of the Programme Stream Moderators and the PSC
Copernicus Meetings ems2025@copernicus.org